
Gene's grave at the Somers Center
Cemetery in Somers, Connecticut
Being 8 years younger than my husband, I was not exposed to Gene Pitney's
music until later. I became a fan and continue to get joy from his music....what
a legacy! I am sad at his passing so soon,but he has left millions something
to have in their hearts forever until we can hear his new music that
he definitely creates on a different plane.
Earth lost a beautiful voice a gentleman......I'm saddened
D. Metzger
My husband & I were very saddened to hear of the passing of Gene
Pitney. We over heard some one today, talking about it, and came home
to get on the web-site to see if it was true. He was one of our favorites.
We came from the late 50's, early 60's, and really enjoyed his music.
The world has lost one great one.
Nick & Bonnie Fera
I am deeply saddened just finding out about the loss of such a great
talent. I will keep the entire Pitney family in my prayers.
Back in Massachusetts in the early '60's a gentleman that worked for
my dad gave him a whole stake of 45's that he said he had gotten from
a friend of his, Gene Pitney. Along with that I received his first single
"Every Breath I Take" . I still have those 45's and that simple
act of kindness opened such a great world for me. Through the years
I have traveled all over attending concerts. Thank you for such great
memories and a "kick start" into the world of music.
Goodbye, Gene we loved you.
Linda from Minnesota, USA
I have only just been able to do this. August already, and I still don't
believe Gene has left us. Since my early 20's I have listened to him,
I brought my 4 kids up listeneng to him, now it hurts like hell to listen
to him. Thankyou Lynne, Chris, Tod, and David, for letting us share
Gene... A man who stole my heart.
Sheila Marshall
My roomate in college had an 8 track tape player. We didnt have many
tapes, but one was a Gene Pitney greatest hits tape. We played that
tape so many times, I still know all the words and music by heart. What
a great voice. I was so sorry to hear of his passsing, but his music
lives on.
Alan Harper
McDonough, GA
I want to extend my belated condolences regarding
the death of Gene Pitney. As a kid growing
up in CT myself, i recall listening over and
over on my little record player, "it hurts to be in love",
i wore it out. I just finished listening to
a song of his and was compelled to write and say he brought a lot of
joy thru his music,.
from CT
I am sorry to say that I just recenlty learned about Gene Pitney. During
a recent trip to Mexico City, I found an album named "Italiano"
by Gene Pitney, I bought it and was positively surprised of such a great
voice, and at the same time so sad of just having discovered Gene. So,
to me, He is not dead, but re-borning, and that album that I just bought
will be the first of many.
My sincere sympathy to Gene´s family.
Francisco Orta
Matamoros, Mexico
Just one fond memory of one of the nicest and most gifted people to
have been given to the world. His UK fans were devastated at the untimely
passing as he was enjoying the usual welcome from our shores and I know
how much he loved visiting us across the pond
My family and I would like to send our deepest sympathy to Gene’s
family. We had the pleasure of meeting them as they had Elsa the Irish
Wolf Hound from us. We never failed to miss a concert every year since
1964 in England. God Bless. (YOU WERE THE BEST GENE PITNEY) Always in
our hearts. Your music will live on.
Valerie Jordan x x x
I have been a fan of Gene's for many years, and was very sorry to hear
of his death.
His singing touched my heart in a way that few performers can. I regret
that I was never able to see one of his live performances, but his music
will live forever.
Karen Barton
I just came across you site today and was pleased to see the amount
of people leaving beautiful messages about Gene.
Like everyone I was deeply saddened, especially as I had tickets to
see him just days after he passed. I felt like I had lost an old friend.
Thankfully I did see Gene onstage three times and during one of the
more recent concerts he sang "Angels" which to me was a show-stopper.
Gene's musical legacy will live on but he will always be greatly missed
for his unique voice, quiet humour and charm. I am so glad I have his
wonderful Foxwoods concert on both dvd and cd.
Karl Johansen
I have been a huge fan since 1961. I will continue to be a fan until
I too pass on. Gene Pitney has entertained me all that time with the
many records that I still have and CD versions. He deserves a fabulous
tribute DVD of as much footage as can be found. "I'm Gonna Be Strong"
is still my favourite song of all time by anybody, although I love many,
many others of his. My thoughts and blessings went out and still go
out for his family, who shared him with us for all those years. I am
sure he is doing well wherever he is. Such talent can really never disappear.
Thanks, Gene, for the music!!
Gil K
Sardis, BC
I was very saddened to hear about the death of lovely
Gene Pitney. I was on holiday in Australia when the news came on TV.
Only the day before my friend and I were talking about him. I told her
that Gene was the last concert my husband and I went to see. Sadly my
husband passed away l6 months ago. We loved our 60’s concerts.
Whenever Gene was in the UK we always looked forward to seeing him.
It was at the Cliffs Pavilion Westcliff-on-Sea Essex that we last saw
him. 2004. I took to Oz amongst my cd’s Gene’s latest hits.
We decided to sit in the garden in the warm sunshine and listen to Gene
as a tribute. God bless to his family. I know how it feels to lose someone
you love so much. Be assured he was loved for his singing and entertaining
us all.
My love
Linda Bassett.